This composition started from  the live drawing pose where a haptic style and weighted umbre principle was applied. The original pencil lines, still evident throughout the image, were the starting point to develop this pose. Even though the initial lines had meaning and purpose, I attempted to treat them as an analogue, which i then used to configure my subject and new pose to. Using the ambiguous lines of the multiple poses drawn in the live drawing class, I started to manipulate and distort the body and join up the lineal marks to create limbs. This achieved warped angular aspects of my figure, conveying a sense of awkwardness and uncomfortableness in the pose.
Egon Schiele uses analogues within his images. He configures his subjects to fit painful poses and applies sharp lineal contours and phrasing of line to show sometimes almost impossible balancing acts.

Egon Schiele . Howdy Uni!

I have used Ingres principle throughout the form. Phrasing the lines in relation to the curve and transitional changes throughout the form. Evident on the shoulder, the line within the outer contour is smooth and delicate to portray the muscular aspects. Whereas the pronounced and jagged edge of the shoulder point is used to show the boney structure.

To achieve a sense that the knees are advancing in the composition, I have chosen to introduce warm colours in this section, in hope of achieving pictorial depth in the image.
I have introduced a hint of cool blue on the inner part of the subjects right knee, this colour interaction is simultaneous contrast and is applied to intensify the warm advancing colours and achieve more of an overall unified and balanced image.

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    cheryse healy

    6 assessment drawings