image 1
image 2

This couplet of images were composed using the principle of parallel scribble gesture. When sitting in a live drawing class, I found angles within the form, and established where these angles were repeated. This tension is shown in the hips of both figures and echoed through the underarm and elbows.
The composition was kept simple, but demonstrates a clear and cohesive understanding of the human form even through this simple haptic approach.

In image 1, I have changed mediums for the final layering of tone for the bottom and legs. The process of merging from the vibrant opaque medium and gradually becoming transparent as we move up the back towards the light, creates spatial depth in the image. The medium of willowed charcoal was swapped to oiled charcoal and ink to create a natural contrast in opacity perspective in the image. In this image, the single point around the bottom and thighs is in focus, and the focus resolution gradually deteriorates leading away from this area. This is simultaneous vision, naturally experienced when an image is viewed through two eyes.

Image 2 has darkened lines on the hip and inner thighs that demonstrates the weight and angular tension of the areas. The change of pressure of the marks creates vignette in the image, there is a loss of clarity from the alteration of rendering towards the corners and edge of the image, but emphasis is still applied to the harsh angular aspects of the boney features and phrasing of line, even in the more transparent areas. 

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    cheryse healy

    6 assessment drawings